Niger Year 1 Deidentified Data (2016-2017)

To generate the evidence needed to understand, improve and share what works to help refugee children learn and succeed in school, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and NYU Global TIES for Children (TIES/NYU) established a strategic partnership, the Evidence for Action: Education in Emergencies (3EA) initiative. 3EA in Niger was designed and delivered to help strengthen the public education system in Niger and to serve refugee, IDP and host community children in the hard-hit Diffa region. It strove to achieve this through a remedial tutoring program infused with climate-targeted social-emotional learning (SEL) principles and practices (Tutoring in a Healing Classrooms), and adding skill-targeted SEL interventions (Mindfulness activities, Brain Games). Each year, the program was designed to be implemented with approximately 2000 students in second to fourth grades attending 30 Nigerien public schools across Diffa. Ninety tutors were enlisted per year to serve this group with each tutoring class averaging about 20 students. A series of cluster randomized control trials over the course of two years were held to evaluate the effectiveness of the HCT and skill-targeted SEL programming. This dataset does not contain treatment indicators. Please contact the authors for access if interested in using those variables


Niger Year 2 Deidentified Data (2017-2018)


Lebanon Year 1 Deidentified Data (2016-2017)