Strengthening the evidence base for EiE: Emerging outputs from the E-Cubed Research Fund

Now in its fourth year, the E-Cubed Research Fund has funded 12 studies and is beginning to see the outputs of this research. This panel will provide an opportunity for a selection of E-Cubed grantees to share their emerging research findings. In addition, this panel will open up discussion on key questions such as who drives the production of knowledge in EiE, how and for whom. In the push for evidence-based policy and programming, this panel will provide a space to ask whether we are tending more towards policy-based evidence. Finally, this panel will give panelists and the audience a space to reflect on what evidence is needed for EiE. Beyond, “what works” what types of evidence and along what lines of inquiry should be prioritized.


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Post-migration risks, developmental processes, and learning among Syrian refugee children in Lebanon