The Rohingya Lorasora (Functioning) Measure (RLM)

In this repository, we present the multi-method process used in the development and validation of a culturally appropriate measure of daily functioning for Rohingya refugees residing in camps near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The measure was designed to capture gender-specific activities deemed essential for maintaining individual and community wellbeing by individuals within the Rohingya community and recognizes the relationship between daily functioning and mental health. The measure was piloted as part of the Intergenerational Risk and Resilience among Rohingya in Displacement (iRRRd) study, a longitudinal cohort focused on pregnant women and their children.

Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a two-factor solution for women—physical and social functioning—while a single-factor model best explained functioning for men. Both versions demonstrate strong internal consistency. Moderate correlations with mental health measures support the validity of the tool in capturing constructs relevant to mental wellbeing. The findings underscore the importance of culturally contextualized assessments for refugee populations and highlight the utility of this measure in informing targeted mental health interventions that address specific barriers to daily functioning and promote wellbeing in contexts of displacement.

See the measure and accompanying material hosted on the Open Science Framework website:


The Rohingya Modot-goroya (caregiving) Measure (RMM)


Developing and Implementing a Measure of Quality of Home Visit Interactions for Fathers: the Rohingya Camps and Host Communities in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh