
Video, github, code Karolina Lajch Video, github, code Karolina Lajch

RDAP Summit 2023: Building on Experience: Centering Communities in Data Creation and Access

NYU-TIES' Senior Data Associate Daniel Woulfin was one of the panelists on the #DataCuration panel at the Research Data and Assess Preservation Virtual Summit 2023, alongside other data curation experts from Penn State University, ICPSR at University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, and the University of Michigan. Dan gave a lightning talk on his open source web application, DIYDDI, which allows researchers to curate their own dataset metadata and generate codebooks and documentation.

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github, code Karolina Lajch github, code Karolina Lajch

diyddi: A metadata curation and generation shiny app based on the rddi R package

diyddiCurator is a graphic user interface to the rddi package. It is a shiny app designed to streamline metadata generation for research data sharing. It allows the user to input project metadata and generate a valid Data Documentation Initiative Codebook (DDI 2.5) to describe the study and data collected.

DDI elements and their attributes are listed in various tabs and described using handsontable ( By right clicking on the table users can add or delete rows. A human readable README, the DDI Codebook and the data is available for export in the Export navigation menu.

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