Supporting Children’s Holistic Development in Contexts of Conflict and Crisis: Lessons from a decade of striving towards research that is effective, equitable and sustainable
In reflecting upon a decade of research at NYU Global TIES aimed at supporting children's holistic development within contexts of conflict and crisis, this white paper encapsulates our collective learnings from working with a network of actors in low- and middle-income and conflict affected contexts who aim to understand what works, how, and for whom. The goal of this paper is to distill insights from the diverse perspectives and experiences of dedicated researchers, inspire action, and provide recommendations for a future distinguished by inclusive and impactful outcomes.
Gobee learning agenda: Our top six learnings from developing an edtech tool for emergency settings
Gobee, a prototype assessment tool for emergency settings, set out to make it easier for teachers and facilitators to measure children’s learning progress. Following the initial stages of development, War Child and NYU Global TIES share their learnings and publish the codes on an open-source platform.
EdTech in Low-Resource Settings: Challenges, opportunities, and conditions for success
This report summarizes the results of a survey the Gobee team launched to better understand the experience of stakeholders in the Education in Emergencies (EiE) sector when it comes to EdTech in low-resource settings, with a special focus on digital assessments and what it takes to develop and maintain open-source models (OSS) and data protection regulations.
"Inside the Arab Classroom": A New Podcast Series Exploring the Dynamic Landscape of Education in the Arab World
New York University’s Global TIES for Children and afikra are pleased to announce the launch of "Inside the Arab Classroom," a new podcast series that explores education traditions and innovations within Arabic-speaking nations. The series tells stories from inside Arab classrooms - from how Arabic literacy is taught to who decides what constitutes ‘good citizens’ - and aims to provoke curiosity among learners of all ages and in all contexts about the challenges to and opportunities for learning and thriving in Arab classrooms.
An Interview with Dr. Lindsay Brown about BETTER: Building Expert Teachers Through Evidence-based Research
In 2019, Dr. Lindsay Brown at NYU Global TIES for Children co-developed and implemented the Building Expert Teachers Through Evidence-based Research (BETTER) program with Laura Killips.
From Evidence to Action for Education in Emergencies: TIES Collection of 3EA E-Cubed Research and Engagement
The purpose of this product is to summarize and showcase the achievements on communication of the evidence and lessons learned from the 3EA E-Cubed project. In sum, we generated 59 total communications products across 12 different formats targeting diverse audiences. These products are presented in 12 different formats, to cater to these diverse audiences and maximize the reach and impact, ranging from academic journals, policy briefs, and datasets to press releases, blogs, webinars, interactive online tools, and more.
Meet the HEA Phase II Grantee: Madrasati
We hear from HEA Phase II Grantees, Madrasati, as they share about their innovation, journey to scale and experience within the HEA programme. With thanks to HEA mentors NYU-TIES for their work on this video.
Meet the HEA Phase II Grantees - iACT
We hear from HEA Phase II Grantees, iACT about their innovation, scaling journey to date and their experience during their time with the HEA programme.
Meet the HEA Phase II Grantees - Cohere
We hear from HEA Phase II Grantees, Cohere about their innovation, scaling journey and time with the HEA programme.
Creating a Gamified Learning Measurement Tool — the why, the what & the how.
While many Governments have turned to connected education and tech-driven programmes to support continued learning during school closures, there is little available evidence on the impact of distance learning on learning outcomes, especially for children affected by crisis and conflict and regarding holistic learning outcomes. Understanding the impact of the growing number of digital interventions on learning outcomes for these children (both in and outside of the classroom) is crucial to ensuring that no child is left behind in the wake of COVID-19 disruptions. In order to be able to understand how to better support children’s learning, we first need to be able to understand what children know and are able to do. Armed with this information, teachers and educational programmes can then provide more tailored support. The assessment of learning outcomes is therefore key. In response to a clear gap in this area, a new partnership, brokered by Porticus, brought together War Child Holland, NYU Global TIES for Children, and the HEA to interrogate the need for an effective tool to assess learning outcomes across digital learning interventions.
Reimagining Education in Emergencies: Lessons from research in three crisis-affected countries RewirEd Summit virtual session
The pre-recorded video was disseminated to global key stakeholders participated in the RewirEd summit.
التعليم في حالات الطوارئ
الوصف: يركز هذا الفيديو التوضيحي على "إنشاء الأبحاث": الدروس المستفادة والنصائح العملية للباحثين وأصحاب المهنة لتوجيه المجال نحو إنشاء الأبحاث. للمزيد من المعلومات حول هذا العمل، اقرأ هنا:
L'éducation en Situations d'Urgence : Vidéo Explicative des Preuves Pour l'Action (3EA)
Cette vidéo explicative est axée sur « Construire une science pour l'action » : leçons tirées et conseils pratiques pour les chercheurs et les praticiens afin de faire avancer le domaine de l’éducation vers la construction d'une science pour l'action.
Education in Emergencies: Evidence for Action (3EA) Explainer Video
This explainer video is focused on “Building a Science for Action”: Lessons learned and practical advice for researchers and practitioners to move the field towards building science for action. The 3EA initiative, born out of a research-practice partnership between TIES and the International Rescue Committee, aims to generate evidence and tools on what works to improve children’s holistic learning and development. This work also aims to improve the quality of program implementation and to answer the questions of what works, how, for whom, and under what conditions.
Can tutoring informed by social-emotional principles improve learning outcomes? A look across multiple conflict-affected contexts
What can be done to improve learning outcomes for the millions of children growing up in conflict-affected societies and enrolled in under-resourced school systems? How can the global community safeguard the right of every child, including those in crisis settings, to a quality education and position them to heal, learn and thrive? What are the best interventions that achieve the greatest outcomes for the most children in humanitarian contexts?