
Report Karolina Lajch Report Karolina Lajch

Thinking outside the classroom: Theories of change and measures to support the design, monitoring, and evaluation of distance learning programs

This report is intended to be a living framework for thinking and talking about distance education interventions, beginning in low- and middle-income (LMIC) and humanitarian contexts and expanding over time to include distance education interventions designed for high-income contexts.

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Press Release Southpoint Collective Press Release Southpoint Collective

Comprehensive Study of Refugee Children's Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Outcomes Yields Key Insights for Post-COVID-19 Return to School

Researchers at Global TIES for Children, an international research center based at NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU New York, examined a variety of post-migration risks faced by Syrian refugee children enrolled in Lebanese public schools and found that students being older than expected for the grade in which they were placed was most consistently and strongly associated with developmental and learning difficulties. As many schools around the world prepare to reopen in 2020 and beyond, the study provides critical insights that can help inform efforts to reintegrate children into schools after significant disruption and time away.

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Press Release Southpoint Collective Press Release Southpoint Collective

Global TIES for Children study informs research of child development and learning in conflict-affected areas

To provide effective aid to children who live in areas of conflict it is necessary to understand precisely how they have been impacted by the crises around them. One area of importance is the effect of conflict and trauma on a child’s development and education.

In a new paper, Global TIES for Children researchers J. Lawrence Aber, Carly Tubbs Dolan, Ha Yeon Kim, and Lindsay Brown, present a review of opportunities and challenges they have encountered in designing and conducting rigorous research that advances our understanding of this effect.

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