
Interactive Media Karolina Lajch Interactive Media Karolina Lajch

From Evidence to Action for Education in Emergencies: TIES Collection of 3EA E-Cubed Research and Engagement

The purpose of this product is to summarize and showcase the achievements on communication of the evidence and lessons learned from the 3EA E-Cubed project. In sum, we generated 59 total communications products across 12 different formats targeting diverse audiences. These products are presented in 12 different formats, to cater to these diverse audiences and maximize the reach and impact, ranging from academic journals, policy briefs, and datasets to press releases, blogs, webinars, interactive online tools, and more.

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Video Karolina Lajch Video Karolina Lajch

Meet the HEA Phase II Grantee: Madrasati

We hear from HEA Phase II Grantees, Madrasati, as they share about their innovation, journey to scale and experience within the HEA programme. With thanks to HEA mentors NYU-TIES for their work on this video.

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Interactive Media Karolina Lajch Interactive Media Karolina Lajch

ERICC Interactive Conceptual Framework

An accompanying interactive infographic to the working paper #1 from the Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC) Research Programme Consortium. This paper outlines the theoretical framework governing the studies to be deployed throughout the Consortium's lifetime.

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