
brief, Research Brief Guest User brief, Research Brief Guest User

Lessons from an Implementation Study of Integration of Early Childhood Development (ECD)Information and Guidance into Well-Child Visits in Primary Healthcare Centers run by Jordan’s Ministry of Health

This study, led by Global TIES for Children at New York University in collaboration with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) research team, is an implementation study of a new intervention co-designed by the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Jordan, the IRC, and Sesame Workshop. This intervention seeks to increase families’ access to early childhood development (ECD) information and activities through the expansion of MoH midwife training beyond physical health and nutrition to other aspects of ECD, such as managing child behavioral challenges and supporting early learning,

and the incorporation of such additional content into well-child visits for children ages 0 to 5 years old.

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Journal Article Karolina Lajch Journal Article Karolina Lajch

Evaluating Program Enhancement Strategies for Remedial Tutoring: A Cluster-Randomized Control Trial With Syrian Refugee Students in Lebanon

Despite widespread enthusiasm for remedial education programming with refugee populations, there is little rigorous evidence on how to design and implement such programs. We employ a cluster-randomized design of non-equivalent treatment groups to test the impact of access to two types of program enhancement: longer program duration and the addition of skilltargeted social and emotional learning (SEL) activities for Syrian refugees enrolled in Lebanese public schools. We find that, compared to 10 weeks of programming, 26 weeks marginally increases students’ literacy skills (ES = 0.04) and significantly improves behavioral regulation (ES = 0.31), but students reported less positive perceptions of their public school environment (ES= −0.83 to −0.89) and remedial tutoring site (ES= −0.15 to −0.24). We also find that the addition of skill-targeted SEL activities to 26 weeks of programming results in higher student reports of school-related stress compared to programming without skill-targeted activities (ES = 0.21). Implications for program and policy are discussed.

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dataset Guest User dataset Guest User

[Dataset]Phone-Based Reach Up and Learn

Reach Up and Learn (RUL) is a home-visiting program that was introduced in Jamaica in 1975. In 2016, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), in collaboration with the Arab Resource Collective, adapted RUL for the context of Syrian and host community families in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria and integrated RUL into its education, child protection, and health programs in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.

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brief Guest User brief Guest User

Transforming Teacher Professional Development: A Core Practice Approach for Education in Emergencies

In this insightful brief, we delve into the transformative power of the Core Practice approach—a beacon of hope for educators working in challenging environments. The Core Practice framework introduces evidence-based, high-impact teaching techniques that promise not only to enhance student learning outcomes but also to provide a practical, coherent, and adaptable solution for teacher professional development.

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Blog Post Karolina Lajch Blog Post Karolina Lajch

THE GOBEE LEARNING AGENDA: Can we sustainably implement and scale a digital assessment tool in the low resource and Education in Emergencies sector?

Since the unprecedented shift to distance learning that came with Covid lockdowns and mass school closures, increasing numbers of Education in Emergencies (EiE) actors have been turning to EdTech to find solutions to the complex challenges facing the sector. This has led to a number of emerging EdTech products and prototypes, many of which have shown great potential.

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Report Guest User Report Guest User

EdTech in Low-Resource Settings: Challenges, opportunities, and conditions for success

This report summarizes the results of a survey the Gobee team launched to better understand the experience of stakeholders in the Education in Emergencies (EiE) sector when it comes to EdTech in low-resource settings, with a special focus on digital assessments and what it takes to develop and maintain open-source models (OSS) and data protection regulations.

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Press Release, podcast Karolina Lajch Press Release, podcast Karolina Lajch

"Inside the Arab Classroom": A New Podcast Series Exploring the Dynamic Landscape of Education in the Arab World

New York University’s Global TIES for Children and afikra are pleased to announce the launch of "Inside the Arab Classroom," a new podcast series that explores education traditions and innovations within Arabic-speaking nations. The series tells stories from inside Arab classrooms - from how Arabic literacy is taught to who decides what constitutes ‘good citizens’ - and aims to provoke curiosity among learners of all ages and in all contexts about the challenges to and opportunities for learning and thriving in Arab classrooms.

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Blog Post Karolina Lajch Blog Post Karolina Lajch

New remote ECE model with large impacts holds promise for SDG 4.2 progress

The last few decades have seen immense gains in global recognition of the critical importance of early childhood education (ECE). Despite this, the goal of universal ECE – as we have traditionally defined it – has remained aspirational: with little progress since 2015 toward the universal quality ECE called for in SDG 4.2. Partly, this is due to financial constraints and continued limited investment in ECE. But partly, it is because there are contexts in which setting up in-person pre-school and kindergarten classrooms is not viable.

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Journal Article Karolina Lajch Journal Article Karolina Lajch

Early childhood education and care quality and associations with child outcomes: A meta-analysis

The effectiveness of early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs for children’s development in various domains is well documented. Adding to existing meta-analyses on associations between the quality of ECEC services and children’s developmental outcomes, the present meta-analysis synthesizes the global literature on structural characteristics and indicators of process quality to test direct and moderated effects of ECEC quality on children’s outcomes across a range of domains.

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Interactive Media Karolina Lajch Interactive Media Karolina Lajch

From Evidence to Action for Education in Emergencies: TIES Collection of 3EA E-Cubed Research and Engagement

The purpose of this product is to summarize and showcase the achievements on communication of the evidence and lessons learned from the 3EA E-Cubed project. In sum, we generated 59 total communications products across 12 different formats targeting diverse audiences. These products are presented in 12 different formats, to cater to these diverse audiences and maximize the reach and impact, ranging from academic journals, policy briefs, and datasets to press releases, blogs, webinars, interactive online tools, and more.

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