
Program Brief, brief Karolina Lajch Program Brief, brief Karolina Lajch

Lessons and Impacts of Ahlan Simsim TV Program in Pre-Primary Classrooms in Jordan on Children’s Emotional Development: A Randomized Controlled Trial

In this brief, Global TIES researchers evaluate the effects of Ahlan Simsim, a television show co-produced by Sesame Workshop and Jordan Pioneers that has been viewed by more than 23 million children across the MENA region, including 57% of displaced Syrians across Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq.

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brief, Program Brief Karolina Lajch brief, Program Brief Karolina Lajch

تقييم فاعلية برنامج "أهلًا سمسم" على التطور العاطفي لدى الأطفال في المرحلة التمهيدية: تجربة عشوائية محكّمة من الأردن

الوصف: في هذا الملخص، يعرض الباحثون في مركز جلوبال تايز (Global TIES) نتائج تقيّم أثر برنامج أهلًا سمسم، وهو برنامج تلفزيوني قامت بإنتاجه ورشة عمل سمسم ومؤسسة جوردن بيونيرز (Jordan Pioneers TV Production)، والذي جذبت حلقاته أنظار أكثر من 23 مليون طفل في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، بما في ذلك W من النازحين السوريين في الأردن ولبنان والعراق. تعد هذه الدراسة من أولى الدراسات التي من شأنها تقييم الأثر السببي لبرنامج إعلامي 1) تم تصميمه لبلدان الشرق الأوسط المتأثرة بالنزاع السوري وأزمة اللاجئين و 2) يركز على التطور العاطفي لدى الأطفال في المرحلة التمهيدية. وجدت الدراسة تأثيرات إيجابية على الأطفال فيما يتعلق ب: ١) معرفة برنامج أهلا سمسم وشخصياته ٢) التعرّف العاطفي المعبرّ (القدرة على تحديد العواطف المصورة بشكل صحيح) ٣) القدرة على تحديد عواطف الآخرين في سيناريوهات اجتماعية محددة ٤) ذكر استراتيجية التنفس كطريقة إدارة العواطف القوية وهي إحدى استراتيجيات تنظيم العواطف الست التي يركز عليها منهج "أهلًا سمسم".

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Press Release Karolina Lajch Press Release Karolina Lajch

New Research Shows Substantial Impact on Children’s Learning from Groundbreaking Ahlan Simsim Initiative Combining Educational Media and Early Childhood Services

New Research Shows Substantial Impact on Children’s Learning from Groundbreaking Ahlan Simsim Initiative Combining Educational Media and Early Childhood Services

Conducted by NYU researchers, major studies show the efficacy of Sesame Workshop and International Rescue Committee’s initiative for children affected by conflict and crisis, through a local version of Sesame Street and a new approach to remote preschool

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Video Karolina Lajch Video Karolina Lajch

Meet the HEA Phase II Grantee: Madrasati

We hear from HEA Phase II Grantees, Madrasati, as they share about their innovation, journey to scale and experience within the HEA programme. With thanks to HEA mentors NYU-TIES for their work on this video.

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concept note Karolina Lajch concept note Karolina Lajch

Fortalecer los sistemas de monitoreo y evaluación de aprendizaje holístico en contextos de emergencia y crisis prolongada: Colombia y Perú

En esta nota conceptual se describen los marcos, conceptos y métodos del proyecto en el que NYU Global TIES for Children (NYU-TIES) y la Universidad de los Andes están trabajando para fortalecer los sistemas de monitoreo y evaluación de aprendizaje holístico en Colombia y Perú (mayores receptores de familias de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos).

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concept note Karolina Lajch concept note Karolina Lajch

Strengthening holistic learning outcome measurement systems in emergencies and protracted crises: Colombia and Peru

This concept note describes the frameworks, concepts and methods of the project in which NYU Global TIES for Children (NYU-TIES) and the Universidad de los Andes are working to strengthen holistic learning monitoring and evaluation systems in Colombia and Peru (main recipients of Venezuelan refugee and migrant families).

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Press Release Karolina Lajch Press Release Karolina Lajch

Humanitarian Education Accelerator Learning Synthesis

Over the past 7 years, the Humanitarian Education Accelerator (HEA) has supported 21 innovative and impactful education in emergency and protracted crises (EiEPC) solutions to transition to scale. Support has included financing and capacity building, and has focused on producing actionable evidence.

Many lessons have been learnt throughout the 7 years and 3 cohorts, including lessons for innovators, EiEPC practitioners, donors, and accelerators. We have compiled these lessons into a Learning Synthesis so that global audiences can share in the lessons learnt.

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Video Karolina Lajch Video Karolina Lajch

Where to Find Measures

This video is a guide for those interested in assessing holistic child development outcomes through navigating the different resources we have available to find high-quality measurement tools that can provide us with meaningful data. A lot of the resources the video covers are what we, as researchers, look towards as we navigate the largely unknown waters of measure development for children in low-and-middle-income contexts (LMICs).

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Blog Post Southpoint Collective Blog Post Southpoint Collective

Creating a Gamified Learning Measurement Tool — the why, the what & the how.

While many Governments have turned to connected education and tech-driven programmes to support continued learning during school closures, there is little available evidence on the impact of distance learning on learning outcomes, especially for children affected by crisis and conflict and regarding holistic learning outcomes. Understanding the impact of the growing number of digital interventions on learning outcomes for these children (both in and outside of the classroom) is crucial to ensuring that no child is left behind in the wake of COVID-19 disruptions. In order to be able to understand how to better support children’s learning, we first need to be able to understand what children know and are able to do. Armed with this information, teachers and educational programmes can then provide more tailored support. The assessment of learning outcomes is therefore key. In response to a clear gap in this area, a new partnership, brokered by Porticus, brought together War Child Holland, NYU Global TIES for Children, and the HEA to interrogate the need for an effective tool to assess learning outcomes across digital learning interventions.

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Report Karolina Lajch Report Karolina Lajch

Response to Stress Questionnaire (RSQ) - Niger

The original Response to Stress Questionnaire (RSQ: Connor-Smith et al., 2000) was designed to capture the ways that individuals react to and cope with specific sources of stress, including parental depression, family conflict, and academic stressors. In order to assess local and refugee children’s stress experiences and stress responses in Nigerien public school settings, researchers adapted the child self-report version of the RSQ-Academic Problems (RSQ-AP). It includes two subscales intended to assess: (a) academic problems stress and (b) involuntary engagement response to stress.

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Report Karolina Lajch Report Karolina Lajch

Self-Regulation Assessment-Assessor Report (SRA-AR) - Niger

The Self-Regulation Assessment-Assessor Report (SRA-AR) is a measurement tool used to capture assessors’ perceptions of of Nigerian refugee and Nigerien children’s skills at regulating their behavior during an assessment. The SRA-AR was developed based on the Preschool Self-Regulation Assessment-Assessor Report (PSRA-AR) (Smith-Donald et al., 2007). The developers tested this measurement tool in Niger.

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Journal Article Southpoint Collective Journal Article Southpoint Collective

Adaptation and application of the Measuring Early Learning Quality and Outcomes (MELQO) framework to early childhood education settings in Colombia: Implications for national policy and the SDG’s.

In Colombia, the national law De Cero a Siempre (DCAS) provides a framework for holistic and integrated early childhood development and education for all children. Against the backdrop of the United Nations’Sustainable Development Goals and the DCAS policy objectives, Colombia set out to apply a comprehensive measure to track the quality of early childhood education programs that would inform pedagogical, programmatic, and policy strategies. Our study describes the process whereby key stakeholders selected, adapted, validated, and applied the Measuring Early Learning Quality and Outcomes (MELQO) framework to characterize the quality of early childhood education at scale in the country. We describe the phases that led to the application of the different instrument modules, and the key enablers and challenges to the process. The paper includes implications for policy, practice, and research in Colombia and discusses lessons learned with relevance to the Latin American and global contexts.

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Journal Article Karolina Lajch Journal Article Karolina Lajch

Teachers’ Observations of Learners’ Social and Emotional Learning: Psychometric Evidence for Program Evaluation in Education in Emergencies

Rigorous evaluation of social and emotional learning programs requires the use of measures that provide reliable and valid information on the meaningful differences in children’s social emotional skills across treatment and control groups, as well as changes over time. In contexts affected by conflict and crisis, few measures can provide the evidence required to support their use in program evaluations, which limits stakeholders’ ability to determine whether a program is working, how well it is working, and for whom.

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